

npm version Snyk Vulnerabilities for npm package

Content-Security-Policy in JavaScript, with validation and automatic hashes.

This package validates your Content-Security-Policy directives and calculates a crypographic hash (SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512) for all inline scripts and styles that finds in each HTML file.

:information_source: Note:

:question: If your site is built with Eleventy, you can also use @jackdbd/eleventy-plugin-content-security-policy, which also take care of writing the Content-Security-Policy header in a _headers file.

Table of Contents
npm install @jackdbd/content-security-policy
import path from 'node:path'
// pick the format you prefer: object, header (single string), directives (N strings)
import {
} from '@jackdbd/content-security-policy'

// the Content-Security-Policy header is made of directives.
// If you don't know where to start, use one of the following policies:
import {
} from '@jackdbd/content-security-policy/policies'

const directives = recommended_policy

const patterns = [
// e.g. for a Eleventy site
path.join('_site', '**/*.html')

const obj = await cspJSON({ directives, patterns })
console.log(`Content-Security-Policy (as Object)`)

const header = await cspHeader({ directives, patterns })
console.log(`Content-Security-Policy (as header)`)

const strings = await cspDirectives({ directives, patterns })
console.log(`Content-Security-Policy (as strings)`)
Parameter Explanation
directives Directives for the Content-Security-Policy (or Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only) header.
patterns glob patterns for your .html files.

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