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Hapi plugin that sends a message to a Telegram chat when a request matches one of the rules you defined.

Table of Contents


npm install @jackdbd/hapi-telegram-plugin

Preliminary Operations

Create a Telegram bot with BotFather

A Telegram bot is an API that implements webhooks. When you create a Telegram bot with BotFather, Telegram creates an API on its servers. You can then make HTTP requests to this API.

This Hapi plugin makes a POST request to the /sendMessage endpoint whenever there is an error in your request handlers.

Create a Telegram bot with the following steps:

  1. Open a Telegram chat with BotFather and enter the /newbot command.
  2. Choose a name and a username for your bot. The name can be anything and you can change it any time. The username is unique, you cannot change it, and must end with _bot. Write down the bot token that BotFather returns you.

:information_source: You can see your Telegram bot token at any time:

  1. open a chat with BotFather
  2. enter the /mybots command
  3. select the bot you are interested in
  4. click API token

See also the ufficial Telegram documentation:


You define request rules like this one:

name: 'notify me of any server error (e.g. internal server error)',
predicate: isServerRequestError,
text: serverError

...and this plugin sends a Telegram message like this one:

Telegram message about an internal server error in your Hapi app

Let's say that you want to receive notifications for server errors (i.e. HTTP 5xx), and notifications for unauthorized errors (i.e. HTTP 401). You would configure the plugin like this:

import telegram from '@jackdbd/hapi-telegram-plugin'
import type {
Options as TelegramPluginOptions
} from '@jackdbd/hapi-telegram-plugin'

// define your request predicates somewhere in your app,
// or import them from a library.
import {
} from '@jackdbd/hapi-request-event-predicates'

// define the functions that create the text string to
// send to Telegram, or import them from a library.
import {
} from '@jackdbd/hapi-telegram-plugin/texts'

export const app = async (config) => {

const server = Hapi.server({ port: 8080 })

server.log(['lifecycle'], {
message: `HTTP server created.`

const options: TelegramPluginOptions = {
// when a request to your Hapi app matches a rule, this plugin
// sends a message to the Telegram chat specified in that
// particular rule.
request_event_matchers: [
name: 'notify of server errors',
predicate: isServerRequestError,
text: serverError
name: 'warn about HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) request errors',
predicate: isUnauthorizedRequestError,
text: unauthorized

await server.register({ plugin: telegram, options })

server.log(['lifecycle', 'plugin'], {
message: `Telegram plugin registered.`

return { server }



Option Default Explanation
request_event_matchers see defaultRequestEventMatchers() in register.ts Each rule controls which request matches, and to which Telegram chat the text should be sent.

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